Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear all,

Recently I have been receiving messages from friends asking for help on finding a job. Yes I know it is quite frustrating and time consuming process. No answers, no feedback, some auto-reply emails saying "Thank you for your interest ... bla bla bla"

Before I get unemployed, in November 2009, I was an happy Environmental Engineer doing what I always wanted to do, work with Renewable Energy, Geothermal Energy, more precisely.

After being fired in November 2009, I had free time and a family to support all my living expenses, so started traveling. Of course, in 3 or 4 months, Kaputssss...... no money.

In May 2010 I went to Copenhagen, where I was bike-taxi (Rickshaw) driver for 3 months to get some cash. 

From September 2010 till May 2011 I was working in part-time, again in Renewable Energy  field, hoping one day to get a full time job. Kaputssss. Full time my ass.

 Well, I have been thinking hard, as much as my brain can do, if I am the right person to help others getting a job. I have spent 5 years studying to be an Environmental Engineer and now what am I?? An IT Analyst for an Indian Company, in Krakow, supporting Portuguese, Spanish and English.

My mother keeps telling me almost everyday on Skye, that Germany is hiring Engineers, Norway is hiring Engineers, Pakistan is hiring Engineers... I understand her, 5 years paying university for what?

Well, is this the kind of help you need? Are you really willing to work in something really different to what you were studying to? Do you see yourself working in call center, for example? Here in Krakow you can find these jobs like bees around the queen.
Of course me and my girlfriend have other plans, this is just a "Dark passenger". We are using this period to prepare for an other stage. Learning languages and new working fields is easy here. But if you want to come to Krakow to work as an Engineer, or Biologist or Arquitect, forget. Here they just need languages. Lots of outsourcing companies are based here because it is very easy to find Multilingual people and these companies also know it is very easy to convince jobless foreign people to come to work to Poland, the country with some of the most beautiful women in the world.

If you have any other question or queries, please do not hesitate in to contact me once again. I will be glad to help you.

Best regards

Daniel Lopes
IT Helpdesk Analyst
Kaputss Service Desk

1 comentários:

Ki said...

The "dark passage" will be over soon, it lasts as long as it has too, then we just have to embrace the light and move on, no hard fellings, no self pitty and everything will turn out as wonderfull as we permit it to :)

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