Sunday, November 20, 2011


Yesterday I was having a great time with my girlfriend watching videos with babies on Youtube. We were laughing a lot and we spent an hour doing that. Everything was going perfect, than she asked:

"Do you think our baby is gonna be like these?"

That question came to me as a punch on my stomach. All those thoughts and pictures of babies crying,  came to my mind.

Except during the conception of the baby (wich is funny), the rest is all about nuisance. When they are born, babies still don't know how to behave in society and don't have any kind of interrelation skills. So, they are bad people, selfish, non-interesting, not funny, don't care about anyone else but themselves, and they are not aware of their rudeness and impoliteness.
To make it worse, you have to deal with this until they learn how to be, actually, real people. And you guys, think that, when they grow up, they will apologize for all the sleepless nights, noise, stress, stink, etc???? Of course not.
So far I didn't, but I swear I will do it in December, when I go back home.

People may think this is selfish, but I rather spend my time and money having great time and travelling with my girlfriend than educating children. I know society does not understand this point and it is also unnatural not to have babies. But I also think that many people have the same opinion but don't sahre it with the others.

At a certain age, women have the desire to be a mother. Man can't help it and can not deny this desire to women. So it happens that many people may think like me but, sooner or later, will have to accept the fate: FATHERHOOD

Because of it, it is better if I just stop crying like a baby and answer to my girlfriend's question with:

"Don't worry my dear, he\she will be even better."

3 comentários:

Anning said...

Quem é que disse que não me fazes rir?? :D Tu és espectacular.

Ki said...

Are you kidding me? Have you seen little Eva??? Your kid is going to be great! Can you imagine Ana, all happy painting a nursery pink?*.*

Don't trust me thou, I'm a woman. ;)

30 anos bombeiros sátão said...

Isso que dizes dos putos não é verdade!
E o cocó deles nem assim tão mau no início! E está sempre a mudar de cor, o que até é divertido. E o cocó espalha-se além fronteiras(fraldas) e todos os dias esperas que novos records sejam quebrados: será que hoje via chegar ao pescoço? ou ao pé?

Com toda a sinceridade, ser pai é a melhor coisa do mundo.

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