Tuesday, December 6, 2011


- Of course not, Robin. If he wanted to kill us he could have done it before. He had many chances but he didn´t kill us.
- Do you know where he might be living now?
- Well, I know it is somewhere in the west coast, but not exactly.
- Ok, baby. Thanks. It's better than nothing.
- Why don´t you play some Bejeweled and try to forget it?
- Yes, that might be a good idea. I have to beat my friend Amelia, that bastard has 577,650 points. 
- Fuck, your life is only about being better than the others. Why are you so competitive?
- You also compete for snowboarding, idiot!!
- But I do it for living, moron!
- Fuck you, Rebecca. I am leaving! Don't expect me for dinner...
- I was not expecting you to come, pendejo!

Robin picked up his arch and narrows and left as fast as he could. With only one shot he killed three little birds and made a barbecue at home with some friends. Uncle Scrooge was there. He brought the beers, cigarettes and marijuana.

Reid called Robin for a short talk:

- Robin, before we smoke I would like to ask you if you have got something.
- Yeah, I do.
- So??
- Well, I found that he lives somewhere in the west coast. I will have to go there and keep searching. Don't worry, I will find him.
- Ok Robin, good job. Other thing. Do you know where I can find Mrs. Piggy? She's hot and with my money I can seduce her... I saw her yesterday on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
- LOL, really?? Well, last time I heard of her she was living in Pennsylvania.
- Hmmm, fuck. Are there direct flights to Pennsylvania?
- Directs I don't know but maybe you can leave from Madrid. You fly to New York. Then you can easily find a way to reach Pennsylvania. If you need a place to stay I have Sean Lotarsky there. You can sleep in his place! I will call him.
- How much is the round trip?
- Not much, like 1000$ if you buy in advance!!
- Awesome. Thanks man. Let's smooooke like the old times!
- That's the Ried I knoooooow! Hey scrooge, bring the stuff. Let's smoke!


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