Monday, November 28, 2011


Other day I was on my way to the company and I heard a song, on my mp3 reader, with this wonderful message "I love this world and all it can do for me".
Well, we don't decide if we want to be born or not, it is not our decision. By the way, I came to this world by accident. I shouldn't be here. Sweet accident :)
Then, during the first years of my life, I was lucky, so I was  feeling protected and loved by my parents. I just had no concerns, enjoyed this protection and lived in an innocence.
As I grew up, I got more and more independent, I was feeling a bit lost for some times. I did wrong (for example, my first time to get a train by my own LOL), I did right  (some things...), but at least, I was doing.

During the different stages of my life, the world provided me new scenarios, new people, new challenges (I always tried to make it happen). I made good and bad friends, I had good and bad jobs, I have been poor and less poor, I have been in hot weathers and cold weathers. I have been in several countries and I want to be in much more. At least I don´t know in witch country I am going to keep living, retire and die. Interesting ;)

Nowadays travelling and working abroad is easy. I have many friends of mine in England, in France, in Belgium, in Switzerland, in Sweden, in Spain, in Angola, in Poland, etc. Today's generations are form Africa, Europe and Asia, North and South America and Australia, form all the islands and all the seas. Not from a single country. Those times are gone. Your root remains in your birth country but you spread branches and leaves wherever you go.  

Wherever you are, however you feel, whatever you want, just enjoy every single action and reaction you may make and get. Enjoy every good morning and good night kisses and cuddlintg with your friends and girlfriends/boyfriends, every hugs, every beer and shots you drink, every smile. Say good morning to your neighbour, to your dog, cat, baker, etc. If a pidgeon shit on your head just laugh, don't yell on it.

If we were given the opportunity to be here, let's enjoy it as much as we can. And don't try to teach others how to do it. It is not your business.

1 comentários:

Ki said...

"don't try to teach other how to do it. It is not your business.", I think you found a universal truth Lopes...

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