Saturday, November 19, 2011


There was an Alien, came from the space. This individual didn't die from the explosion of the Sapaceship. It managed a way to survive. Now it came to Hearth and wanted to host itself in my girlfriend’s body.  Reasons why it chose her body are still unknown.  She called me saying that this creature was running after her.
I couldn't help her alone. I had to call my friends. They came from all around the world, willing to help my girlfriend.  Together we were a strong team, with lots of missions successfully completed before.

We went up the hill to have a clear view.
There was no network on our cellphones and GPS.
The weather conditions were horrible, so we couldn’t see clear.
Later, we could see clear now the fog was gone. My team found some evidences.
We knew we were getting closer.
Until I finally see them.
She was heroically still running away from the alien.

I just started running after them as fast as I could.

And I killed the alien.

4 comentários:

PiMe said...

Earth :p

Anning said... hero?

LOL, tu tens um sério problema, love, n tem nada a ver com aliens :D

Daniel Lopes said...

LOL. Fogo, que falahanco ahahaha :)
Obrigado Pime

Ki said...

Os meus parabéns à equipe! Fora fantásticos! Tenho apenas a dizer que...
Matas-te o Alien errado!!!

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