Friday, November 25, 2011


The Bad Wolf, whose name is Juan Velasquez, born in the Pyrenees, always revealed to be rebel. Besides being aggressive to his brothers, he is also accused of practicing bulling in school with the younger wolves. Because of that he never had a girlfriend and never a female wolf had interest in getting to know such an arrogant wolf.

One day, he went to the lagoons somewhere in the west coast of the Pyrenees. He spent there almost the entire day, and of course, started getting hungry. Because he was too young, he couldn´t hunt small animals because they were too fast and agile for him. So he decided to go home where his mother was preparing a wonderful family dinner. That day his uncles and hunts were coming from Switzerland for visiting purpose. For the dinner, his parents had captured, in the day before, the Chicken Little, Seven Dwarfs and the Snow White.

When Juan Velasquez was on his way home he saw 3 small pigs walking towards somewhere. He thought they were easy to capture and eat. The leftovers could be left for other day. With the defloration and the fire in the forest, food was no longer abundant in the Pyrenees like before.

These 3 pigs were very different. Piotr had dreadlocks until his tail. He was jobless due to drugs abuse and only had the High School. Activist, many times seen in the protests against the cutting trees to build the new piggery. This pig has an ecological Zero Carbon Emission house, build with straw.

Dexter was a bit stronger, taller, with carpenter as a profession. Born sportsman, dropped the course of sports in the University when realized that could not live using sports as a profession. He has a small house built with wood and the roof made with tiles stolen from the neighborhood.

The 3rd pig, Reid, was finishing Civil Engineering, just arrived from Rome where he made his Erasmus and was about to defend his final project. Had a merit scholarship that allowed him to pay for the University and buy all the materials he needed to build his house. His house is made with double walls made with brick and inside filled with 8 cm thermal insulation, extruded polystyrene.

The wolf followed them to see where they were living. Waited until all of them were inside their houses and attacked. Piotr and Dexter were killed in seconds. Their houses were not strong enough to protect them against Juan. Reid survived because the wolf could not get inside his house. Anyway, Juan Velasquez had enough. He took Piotr and Dexter and stored them in small pieces inside his freezer.

Reid is now a different pig. He grew up with this anger and hate inside him. The murder of his brothers 7 years ago left marks. He is now the owner of a very successful construction company based in Madrid, with connections with Dubai, Shanghai and something starting in New York. He has a few friends and only one is important, Robin. Robin is expert inside the woods and forests. He knows Pyrenees like no one else. Lives a great house made with bricks offered by Reid. Feeds himself hunting preys using his arch and narrows. His cellphone is ringing now:

·      -   Hi Robin
·      -   Who’s this?
·       -  It’s Reid, for God’s sake!!!
·        -  Fuck, sorry. Didn’t save your number before. Hey Reid, what’s up?
·         - Got a minute?
·         - Sure man
·         - Need a favor!
·         - What?
·         - Need you to find someone for me?
·         - Who? Your partner?
·         - No, I can deal with him later. It’s Juan Velasquez, the wolf.
·         - Man, why are you doing this to yourself? Just forget it
·         - I can´t Robin. Too much anger, too much pain. This guy made me who I am now, a monster
·         - That case is closed. Please, choose another target.
·         - You do it or not?
·         - Ok man but you know it is not cheap.
·         - How much?
·         - 50000€, in my Swiss bank account.
·         -No problem I also have an account in Switzerland. Tomorrow you will have the money!
·         - Are you still sure you want to do this?
·         - Fuck Robin, not again. If you want I can call Sherlock Holmes.
·         - Ok dude, don´t stress.
·         - Thanks Robin. Check tomorrow your bank account. And remember, we never met today, ok? Bye and     take care
·        -  Ok, you take care. Bye.

Robin decided to tell the news to his girlfriend. Robin is dating with Rebecca, aka Little Red Riding Hood. She loves the red color. She feels attracted by red color and Robin cannot deny, she, get really hot with red on her. Super athletic body. She was champion, last year, in Snowboarding Half Pipe in the Winter Olympic Games defeating Gretchen Bleiler in the final. With a degree in Environmental Engineering, she performs conservation plans for the Pyrenees
After making love with Rebecca, Robin lights his cigarette and says:

·     -    Reid paid me 50000€ to find someone!
·      -   Fuck, 50000€?
·       -  Yeah baby, that’s right, 50000€!
·       - Who are you supposed to find?
·        - Juan Velasquez, my dear!
·        - Is it the wolf?
·        - Yep
·        - Fuck. Police is investigating. It is believed that his gang killed my grandmother 3 years ago.
·        - Sorry Reb. Didn’t know that!
·        - No problem Rob. I got over it!
·        - That motherfucker and his family are responsible for the dead of Reid’s brothers 7years ago and also other important Disney characters.  I am afraid he may also want to kill us.

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